Review: FlashHobby Arthur 1408 motors
FlashHobby (successor of the DYS company) has released a new series of motors called Arthur. Series consists of large number of sizes (1106, 1204, 1207, 1404, 1408, 1507 and larger) motors.
Lets take a closer look at the Arthur 1408 3650KV motors.
These motors have 14x8mm size stator, comes in two KV options 1700KV and 3650KV. Motors can have 5mm prop shaft or 1.5mm shaft with prop T-mount. While the “classic” 5mm size shaft is more popular, the T-mount with 1.5mm size shaft is gaining more popularity these days and more props are released for this prop mount type.
Motors come with 4pcs of M2x6mm screws with hex socket head. Hex socket size is very small, my guess is 0.8mm and I happen not to have such hex wrench tool (allen key). You will have to find the small allen key or just find the other M2 screws with the more common 1.0mm hex socket size. I thought I need to mention.
Motor has so called “Open Base” design. This design reduces the motor weight due to smaller base and enables better cooling.
Although the advertising says that this motor has arc magnets, in fact they are just straight ones.
You can see it by yourself – magnets are not curved, just straight rectangular. My guess it is just error in the ad.
Arthur 1408 motors have long 110mm length 26AWG wires. Should be enough for any frame
The weight of the motor is 15.6 grams with wires (for comparison Diatone Mamba 1408 – 18 grams). The weight will be lower once you’ll trim the wires.
All four motors weight 62.4 grams with full length wires.
Thrust tests
I have tested this motor on 4S battery with 3″ inch props with T-mount. Props are Gemfan 3018 2-blade, Gemfan 3016 3-blade, HQProp 3×2 2-blade, Gemfan Windancer 3028 3-blade, Emax Avan 3 inch and HQ 3x3x3.
Here is the results datasheet:
An the max thrust test results. Bars are max thrust (g), line is efficiency (g/W):
FlashHobby Arthur 1408 motors are budget priced, build quality is good. According to the thrust tests they are average performers – not super efficient and not super powerful.
These FlashHobby Arthur 1408 motors is good option for 3 inch quads or 3 inch cinewhoops. You may want to choose the 5mm shaft version of this motor, but there are more and more 3-inch propellers with t-mount. Gemfan even has universal props with both prop mount options. I would recomment Gemfan triblade props for maximum efficieny anf flight time.
Available @
1.5mm and 5mm shaft:…-1707177.html
1.5mm shaft:
5mm shaft:
Disclaimer: This item was supplied by FlashHobby for a fair and unbiased review. FlashHobby never asked for a positive review and never influenced my opinion in any way. I’m trying my best to stay uninfluenced and give only my own opinion. All affiliate links if there are any help me purchase items for future reviews and tests.
Are they notchy
Yes, pretty notchy. Comparable to the HGLRC Forward 1408 motors.
What mount size is that? Looks like 12×12. In the advertising says 9×9.
FlashHobby Arthur 1408 5mm and 1.5mm shaft versions both have 12x12mm mount pattern.