Weekly news & new products (2021 week 31)
This is (irregular) weekly compilation of the new products, news and other interesting events in the RC hobby world that appeared or happened in the last week (or two).
Page Contents for Weekly news & new products (2021 week 31)
EdgeTX – alternative to OpenTX
While the new firmware for OpenTX compatible radios was released almost three weeks ago, I thought it is really worth mentioning it. EdgeTX is a forked project from OpenTX firmware. While the development of the mainstream OpenTX has stagnated a bit, enthusiast developers decided not to wait forever for many long waited features that community is waiting for (OpenTX, where is the touchscreen support?). Here is what the EdgeTX devs say:
“…In bringing you EdgeTX, our key goals for this first release were to:
- enable use of the touchscreen interface for color radios that support it
- allow use of high bit rate CRSF without having to modify your hardware if using transmitters like X9D+ and X7 via OneBit sampling mode
In bringing you EdgeTX, our main goal for this first release was to give to the community a usable touchscreen interface for color radios with touchscreens. Additionally, we wanted to establish a solid foundation for future features for the most commonly used radios.”
Link: https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/releases/tag/v2.4.0
FatShark Scout HD goggles
Release of the FatShark Scout HD digital FPV goggles is probably the biggest news of the past week. These are the first FatShark DIgital FPV goggles and they are affordable starting goggles for the digital world of the FPV.
Available @ GetFPV: https://www.getfpv.com/fat-shark-scout-hd-fpv-goggles-w-integrated-digital-receiver.html
Banggood: https://www.banggood.com/Fat-Shark-Scout-HD-PVT-FPV-Goggles-…-1881764.html
ImmersionRC Ghost Hybrid V2

Available @ Pyrodrone: https://pyrodrone.com/…/immersion-rc-tramp-ghost-hybrid-v2-uno https://pyrodrone.com/…/immersion-rc-tramp-ghost-hybrid-v2-duo-5-8ghz-vtx-2-4ghz-rx
Holybro FETtec Mini AIO 15A
Holybro FETtec Mini AIO 15A is the first AIO FC in toothpick style with KISS firmware on board. ESC’s are capable up to 15A, supports 2-4s batteries has Graphical OSD with full KISS tuning.
Available @ Holybro: http://www.holybro.com/product/holybro-fettec-mini-aio-15a
- KISS FC firmware
- F3 Processor (STM32F303CCT6 @ 72MHz (MPU6000))
- Supply voltage 6-18V (2S-4S Lipo voltage)
- Dedicated onboard 5V BEC (max 1A)
- Active current limiting @ 15A
- Input voltage: 2S-4S
- High quality 30V MOSFETs
- STM32G071 @ 64MHz
- 128 kHz Motor PWM
- Automatic input signal detection
- Dshot 300-2400
- OneShot42/125
- Graphic OSD (STM32)
- Full KISS Tuning
- Filter (PIDs, Rates, Settings)
- LED control (RGB LED, Racewire)
- Live data graphs (Voltage, motor rpm, current, motor temp, gyro values, link quality)
- KISS GPS support + live map
- Custom graphic pilot logo
- Stick overlay
- Custom layout
The FETtec Mini AIO 15A works with KISS/FETtec FC firmware version 1.3RC45Y or later !
Size: 29 x 29 mm
Mounting: 25,5 x 25,5 mm
Weight: 3.6 g
Dalprop Cyclone T3028
Dalprop now has 3 inch props with T-mount. Cyclone T3018 and T3028 3-bladed propellers.
Available @ Foxeer: https://www.foxeer.com/search?keywords=Dalprop+New+Cyclone
Aliexpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_97e27M