FrSky RXSR-FC F4 and F7 flight controllers
FrSky has released 3 new Flight Controllers with F4 and F7 MCU: RXSR-FC OMNIBUS F4, RXSR-FC Fireworks F4 and RXSR-FC OMNINXT F7.
The first one RXSR-FC OMNIBUS F4 has F405 MCU, soft mounted MPU6000 Gyro, 5 UART ports, BMP280 baro, is accepting 3-6S lipo connection directly and has the R-XSR receiver integrated on board on separate add-on board.
The second RXSR-FC Fireworks F4 has F405 MCU, soft mounted ICM20608 Gyro, PDB with the pads on the corners, is accepting 3-6S lipo connection directly and has the R-XSR receiver integrated on board on separate add-on board.
The third RXSR-FC OMNINXT F7 flight controller has F7 MCU, soft mounted dual MPU6000 and ICM20608 Gyros, 6 UART ports, is accepting 3-6S lipo connection directly and has the R-XSR receiver integrated on board on separate add-on board.
FrSky RXSR-FC (OMNIBUS F4 V6) uses the MPU6000 over SPI for the stable flight performance. It is integrated with the RXSR receiver in onboard damping box, also onboard are a barometer and AB7456 OSD chip for the Betaflight integrated OSD.
The RXSR-FC (OMNIBUS F4 V6) supports 3-6s Lipo direct input, and has 5 hardware UARTs.

FrSky RXSR-FC (OMNIBUS F4 Fireworks V2)
The FrSky RXSR-FC (OMNIBUS F4 Fireworks) uses the ICM20608 over SPI for the best possible flight performance. It is integrated with the RXSR receiver in onboard damping box, and the ICM20608 runs perfectly under 32k Gyro loop. Also onboard are a barometer and AB7456 OSD chip for the Betaflight integrated OSD.
The RXSR-FC (OMNIBUS F4 Fireworks) supports 3-6s Lipo direct input, build in hall Current Sensor and Power Filter too. The on Board PDB is tweaked by using 12-Layer PCB design. There is only 0.2-0.5 mohm internal resistance from input to each output pads.

The FrSky RXSR-FC (OMNINXT F7) is developed based on the newly designed NXT architecture. It is integrated with RXSR receiver, and uses the trusty MPU6000 Gyro with an additional ICM20608 on top. With the onboard damping box, the gyros run perfectly under 32k loop time. The NXT also comes with 2 different BECs and 6 UARTs.
The RXSR-FC (OMNINXT F7) supports 3-6s Lipo direct input, built-in BEC for camera / VTX and Power Filter. This FC is designed to be able to pair with 4in1 ESCs to form a powerful combo, and also has pins for individual ESCs too.